Do a Google search for "MS Access Library Database," and what you're going to see is a lot of suggestions for writing databases that manage libraries, one of the initial databases designed by beginning Access developers. This article is not about coding a library management database, it is about MS Access's intrinsic ability to use another MS Access database as a code library.
In the VBE, go to Tools -> References, click Browse, then hit the drop-down under "Files of type:" Along with .dll's and ActiveX controls, you'll discover that you can link any of several MS Access file types as a Reference. Now, normally I'm against references, but in this case I make an exception.
Say you have 10 interconnected MS Access front-ends running as part of a modular system. You probably want them to have a similar look and feel, with the same basic functionality. This means that a lot of the code procedures used in each database are going to be the same. Now, you could import and export modules across each database, but this has the potential to introduce serious version issues. Instead, create a code library database.
The library database is a convenient place to put all of the code that you will share across the databases you build - whether it be a password-masking procedure, the hash code you use for encrypting the passwords, or something as simple as a custom function for putting a Select Case statement onto a single line (like an If-Then to an IIf). Whenever you have code that you will want to reuse, put it into the library database. Then, instead of hunting multiple db modules for the right function to import, simply attach the library database as a Reference and - voila! - instant access to all of your custom classes and procedures.
A word of caution, however - library databases are very sensitive to environment changes. If you rename a library database or move it to a different folder, you will break each reference. If your database is accessed by multiple users, follow best practice and have them run local copies, with the library database in the same folder on the users' systems as the front ends, in order to mitigate that issue.
And a further note - even though some of Microsoft's documentation appears to hint that you can open objects, such as forms and reports, in a library database using code in the library database, the fact is that you can't. The application environment simply doesn't allow for it. If you do want to create a forms or reports library that is accessible from all of your other databases, you can handle it by using an Access automation object.
Showing posts with label Microsoft Access. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft Access. Show all posts
Monday, October 21, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Add Robust Global Error Handling to Your Procedures - Automagically!
If you're anything like me, you consistently skip putting error handling into your code. Not because you don't think error handling is important, but because coding it is tedious and you want to get to the good, juicy code, the stuff that makes your app awesome. But no one creates bulletproof code, so once you release it for testing, your users start reporting errors crashing your amazing app. You lose credibility, and you can't sleep at night worrying that you'll be unable to get a new contract when your client cuts you loose with a bad reference.
So maybe that scenario isn't entirely applicable, but it can happen if you ignore error handling. A robust error handling system is a must for any app, but you won't find many code samples available on the Internet showing you how to apply a robust error handling solution. So I've put this module together; it shows both my global error handling procedure and how I programmatically automate the deployment into my applications.
Simple error handling pops up a MsgBox in order to avoid breaking the code. Good error handling logs the errors. My solution takes both and adds emailing an error notification to a GMail address you set up yourself (see But the real elegance in this code module is in the deployment routine - it finds every code module - standard, form, and report, in your application and adds the global error handler to each procedure (function or subroutine) in the module. Here are the steps:
1. Insert the following code module into a database. If you are developing multiple databases for a single client, the best place for this module is a shared "library" database (more on using library databases in a future post).
2. Run the InsertErrorHandling function by passing it the path to a valid MS Access database. In the Immediate window, Type
3. The procedure will open each code module in your database and add error handling. You may have to babysit this process, especially if your application contains a lot of orphaned objects.
4. When the procedure is finished, it will close the database and open a log file containing all of the modules and procedures it evaluated, along with whether it already had error-checking or not (True if it did, False if not). Perhaps counterintuitively, a False result means the procedure did add error checking to the procedure.
5. Reopen the database, checking to ensure that everything is working properly.
6. Even if everything looks okay, you should still compile the code to be sure. In the VBE, run the compiler (Debug -> Compile Database) and fix any errors that are noted. The better your code is written, the fewer the errors you should need to fix.
7. Enjoy your new, fully error-handled database!
NOTE: This module does not convert macros to VBA code to add error handling. I'm still looking into making that functionality available to the procedure.
appAccess.DoCmd.OpenForm obj.Name, acDesign:
and in the corresponding location for reports:
It is very important to pass the form or report with
Insert these functions into your module, and then run it against a database with macros to see it convert the macros to VBA and then add the global error handling routine to them.
So maybe that scenario isn't entirely applicable, but it can happen if you ignore error handling. A robust error handling system is a must for any app, but you won't find many code samples available on the Internet showing you how to apply a robust error handling solution. So I've put this module together; it shows both my global error handling procedure and how I programmatically automate the deployment into my applications.
Simple error handling pops up a MsgBox in order to avoid breaking the code. Good error handling logs the errors. My solution takes both and adds emailing an error notification to a GMail address you set up yourself (see But the real elegance in this code module is in the deployment routine - it finds every code module - standard, form, and report, in your application and adds the global error handler to each procedure (function or subroutine) in the module. Here are the steps:
1. Insert the following code module into a database. If you are developing multiple databases for a single client, the best place for this module is a shared "library" database (more on using library databases in a future post).
2. Run the InsertErrorHandling function by passing it the path to a valid MS Access database. In the Immediate window, Type
InsertErrorHandling "Path\To\My\Database.accdb"
3. The procedure will open each code module in your database and add error handling. You may have to babysit this process, especially if your application contains a lot of orphaned objects.
4. When the procedure is finished, it will close the database and open a log file containing all of the modules and procedures it evaluated, along with whether it already had error-checking or not (True if it did, False if not). Perhaps counterintuitively, a False result means the procedure did add error checking to the procedure.
5. Reopen the database, checking to ensure that everything is working properly.
6. Even if everything looks okay, you should still compile the code to be sure. In the VBE, run the compiler (Debug -> Compile Database) and fix any errors that are noted. The better your code is written, the fewer the errors you should need to fix.
7. Enjoy your new, fully error-handled database!
NOTE: This module does not convert macros to VBA code to add error handling. I'm still looking into making that functionality available to the procedure.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Module GlobalErrorHandling
' Written by Topher Ritchie,
' You are free to use, modify, or distribute this code, provided
' this header remains in place.
' Provides consistent error handling
' Uses the SendSMTP function available at
Public Sub psubGlobalErrHandler(procedure_name As String, object_name As String, err_num As Long, err_desc As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso As Object
Dim logfile As Object
Dim strError As String
MsgBox "Error " & err_num & " in " & procedure_name & ":" & vbCrLf & err_desc & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please contact your application support team."
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set logfile = fso.OpenTextFile(Environ("HOMEDRIVE") & Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\YourApp_errors.log", ForAppending, True)
strError = CurrentDb.Name & "; " & CurrentProject.Name & "; " & procedure_name & "; " & object_name & "; " & err_num & "; " & err_desc & "; " & Now() & "; " & TempVars!CurrentUser & "; "
logfile.WriteLine strError
'add session data when available (open modules, windows, etc.) to handle tricky errors
If SendSMTP("", "Error triggered in Your App.", strError) Then
logfile.WriteLine "Error report sent"
logfile.WriteLine "Error report NOT sent"
End If
Set logfile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
'The remainder of this module is for inserting Global Error Handling into procedures
' that do not already have it (in standard, form, and report modules), populating
' for psubGlobalErrHandler
Public Sub InsertErrorHandling(ByVal strDatabasePath As String)
Dim appAccess As Object
Dim obj As Object
Dim mdl As Object
Dim fs As Object, txtfile As Object
Set appAccess = New Access.Application
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strDatabasePath
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtfile = fs.OpenTextFile(CurrentProject.Path & "\errhandling.txt", 8, True)
txtfile.WriteLine appAccess.CurrentDb.Name
txtfile.WriteLine ""
Set txtfile = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
For Each obj In appAccess.CurrentProject.AllModules
On Error GoTo NextModule
appAccess.DoCmd.OpenModule obj.Name
FixModule appAccess.Modules(obj.Name)
appAccess.DoCmd.Close acModule, obj.Name, acSaveYes
Next obj
For Each obj In appAccess.CurrentProject.AllForms
On Error GoTo NextForm
appAccess.DoCmd.OpenForm obj.Name, acDesign
If appAccess.Forms(obj.Name).HasModule = True Then
FixModule appAccess.Forms(obj.Name).Module
End If
appAccess.DoCmd.Close acForm, obj.Name, acSaveYes
Next obj
For Each obj In appAccess.CurrentProject.AllReports
On Error GoTo NextReport
appAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport obj.Name, acDesign
If appAccess.Reports(obj.Name).HasModule = True Then
FixModule appAccess.Reports(obj.Name).Module
End If
appAccess.DoCmd.Close acReport, obj.Name, acSaveYes
Next obj
On Error GoTo 0
Set appAccess = Nothing
Shell "notepad.exe """ & CurrentProject.Path & "\errhandling.txt"""
End Sub
Public Sub FixModule(mdl As Module)
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngCountDecl As Long
Dim lngI As Long
Dim strProcName As String
Dim strInsert As String
Dim astrProcNames() As String
Dim aboolProcErrHandling() As Boolean
Dim intI As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strComment As String
Dim lngR As Long
Dim fs As Object, txtfile As Object
If mdl.Type = 8 Then
'module type 8 is a Class Module.
'we'll just let the calling procedure throw the error
'rather than dealing with error handling in the class
'so we'll exit the sub without doing anything
Exit Sub
End If
lngCount = mdl.CountOfLines
lngCountDecl = mdl.CountOfDeclarationLines
strProcName = mdl.ProcOfLine(lngCountDecl + 1, lngR)
intI = 0
ReDim Preserve astrProcNames(intI)
ReDim Preserve aboolProcErrHandling(intI)
astrProcNames(intI) = strProcName
aboolProcErrHandling(intI) = False
For lngI = lngCountDecl + 1 To lngCount
If InStr(mdl.Lines(lngI, 1), "On Error") > 0 Then aboolProcErrHandling(intI) = True
If strProcName <> mdl.ProcOfLine(lngI, lngR) Then
intI = intI + 1
strProcName = mdl.ProcOfLine(lngI, lngR)
ReDim Preserve astrProcNames(intI)
ReDim Preserve aboolProcErrHandling(intI)
astrProcNames(intI) = strProcName
aboolProcErrHandling(intI) = False
End If
Next lngI
strMsg = "Procedures in module '" & mdl.Name & "': " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
For intI = 0 To UBound(astrProcNames)
If astrProcNames(intI) = "InputBoxDK" Then
End If
strMsg = strMsg & astrProcNames(intI) & "; " & aboolProcErrHandling(intI) & vbCrL
If aboolProcErrHandling(intI) = False And Not Nz(astrProcNames(intI)) = "" Then
Do Until Not Replace(mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1), " ", "") = ""
mdl.DeleteLines mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1
'take out any initial comments blocks, store them to put back after inserting "On Error"
strComment = ""
Do Until Not InStr(Replace(mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1), " ", ""), "'") = 1
strComment = strComment & mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1) & vbCrLf
mdl.DeleteLines mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1
'Find the first line after the procedure start line (for line continuation (_) handling)
i = 0
Do While InStr(Replace(mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR) + i, 1), " ", ""), "_") = Len(Replace(mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR) + i, 1), " ", ""))
i = i + 1
mdl.InsertLines mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR) + i + 1, "On Error Goto Err_Handler"
strInsert = "Exit_Err:" & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "Exit " & IIf(InStr(mdl.Lines(mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), 1), "Function") > 0, "Function", "Sub") & vbCrLf & _
"Err_Handler:" & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "psubGlobalErrHandler """ & astrProcNames(intI) & """, """ & mdl.Name & """, Err.Number, Err.Description" & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "Resume Exit_Err"
If Not intI = UBound(astrProcNames) Then
mdl.InsertLines mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI + 1), lngR) - 1, strInsert
'remove any trailing spaces or comments in the module before inserting the error handling block
Do Until Not mdl.Lines(mdl.CountOfLines, 1) = "" And Not InStr(Replace(mdl.Lines(mdl.CountOfLines, 1), " ", ""), "'") = 1
mdl.DeleteLines mdl.CountOfLines, 1
mdl.InsertLines mdl.CountOfLines, strInsert
End If
'put the intitial comment block back in
mdl.InsertLines mdl.ProcStartLine(astrProcNames(intI), lngR), strComment
End If
Next intI
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set txtfile = fs.OpenTextFile(CurrentProject.Path & "\errhandling.txt", 8, True)
txtfile.WriteLine strMsg
Set txtfile = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
UPDATE: After help from some of my fellow experts at, I now have a function that finds and converts the macros in each form and report. I had hoped for something as elegant as the intrinsic property "HasModule" for the form, but instead we have to check each form and control property for macros. You'll have to babysit the code as it runs to click on the conversion message, but it does the job. Add the following line in the InsertErrorHandling procedure just below the line:appAccess.DoCmd.OpenForm obj.Name, acDesign:
ConvertFormMacros appAccess.Forms(obj.Name)
and in the corresponding location for reports:
ConvertReportMacros appAccess.Reports(obj.Name)
It is very important to pass the form or report with
, rather than obj
itself; obj
is dimensioned as an "object" data type, so the properties intrinsic to forms and reports are not available to it. By passing the form or report with obj
's Name property to the functions, we're able to access all of the properties that we need to check.Insert these functions into your module, and then run it against a database with macros to see it convert the macros to VBA and then add the global error handling routine to them.
Public Function ConvertReportMacros(r As Report)
Dim c As Control
Dim p As Property
On Error Resume Next
For Each p In r.Properties
If IsEvent(p.Name) Then
If Not (Nz(p.Value) = "[Event Procedure]" Or Nz(p.Value) Like "=*" Or Nz(p.Value) = "") Then
r.Application.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic
End If
End If
Next p
For Each c In r.Controls
For Each p In c.Properties
If IsEvent(p.Name) Then
If Not (Nz(p.Value) = "[Event Procedure]" Or Nz(p.Value) Like "=*" Or Nz(p.Value) = "") Then
r.Application.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic
End If
End If
Next p
Next c
End Function
Public Function ConvertFormMacros(f As Form)
Dim c As Control
Dim p As Property
On Error Resume Next
For Each p In f.Properties
If IsEvent(p.Name) Then
If Not (Nz(p.Value) = "[Event Procedure]" Or Nz(p.Value) Like "=*" Or Nz(p.Value) = "") Then
f.Application.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic
End If
End If
Next p
For Each c In f.Controls
For Each p In c.Properties
If IsEvent(p.Name) Then
If Not (Nz(p.Value) = "[Event Procedure]" Or Nz(p.Value) Like "=*" Or Nz(p.Value) = "") Then
f.Application.DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConvertMacrosToVisualBasic
End If
End If
Next p
Next c
End Function
Public Function IsEvent(strProperty As String)
Select Case strProperty
Case "OnActivate", "AfterDelConfirm", "AfterInsert", "AfterUpdate", "OnApplyFilter", "BeforeDelConfirm", _
"BeforeInsert", "BeforeUpdate", "OnChange", "OnClick", "OnClose", "OnCurrent", "OnDblClick", "OnDeactivate", _
"OnDelete", "OnDirty", "OnEnter", "OnError", "OnExit", "OnFilter", "OnFormat", "OnGotFocus", "OnKeyDown", _
"OnKeyPress", "OnKeyUp", "OnLoad", "OnLostFocus", "OnMouseDown", "OnMouseMove", "OnMouseUp", "OnNoData", _
"OnNotInList", "OnOpen", "OnPage", "OnPrint", "OnResize", "OnRetreat", "OnTimer", "OnUnload", "OnUpdated"
IsEvent = True
Case Else
IsEvent = False
End Select
End Function
Avoid Outlook Integration - Send Email using SMTP via GMail
Outlook integration in MS Access is a real pain. Not only is it prone to version issues, but the "Outlook Security" debacle is still fresh in the minds of many a developer. Although integration with the rest of the Office suite (particularly Excel) is a wonderful feature of Access, I find it best to avoid any dependency on Outlook. Not only does it depend on your client having a properly configured Outlook account, any emails sent from your app will show the user's email as the "From" address, which can be undesirable behavior. So, if you're trying to get away from using methods like SendObject or (for more advanced developers) Outlook automation, what options do you have? The best option, in my opinion, is using GMail.
GMail? How could I automate a web-based email service through a desktop database, you might ask. In the past, Microsoft made this easy by packaging the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) dll that included the SMTP schema directly within Windows. That stopped with Windows Vista, and many developers gave up on sending via SMTP and reluctantly moved to Outlook integration. Even if you are able to download the CDO libraries, you are still stuck with the problem of packaging the dll with your application and risking broken reference issues. However, it is possible to access Microsoft's SMTP services schema directly, without dealing with dll's, to push your email out. Here's how:
1. Set up a GMail account for your application to send through (e.g.,
2. Place the following code module in your application (with appropriate changes for your app).
3. Call the function from your application's code using the "Usage" suggestion in the module header. Note that you can send to multiple recipients by separating them with a semicolon (;) and attach multiple files using the same method.
4. Enjoy having total control over your emails!
GMail? How could I automate a web-based email service through a desktop database, you might ask. In the past, Microsoft made this easy by packaging the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) dll that included the SMTP schema directly within Windows. That stopped with Windows Vista, and many developers gave up on sending via SMTP and reluctantly moved to Outlook integration. Even if you are able to download the CDO libraries, you are still stuck with the problem of packaging the dll with your application and risking broken reference issues. However, it is possible to access Microsoft's SMTP services schema directly, without dealing with dll's, to push your email out. Here's how:
1. Set up a GMail account for your application to send through (e.g.,
2. Place the following code module in your application (with appropriate changes for your app).
3. Call the function from your application's code using the "Usage" suggestion in the module header. Note that you can send to multiple recipients by separating them with a semicolon (;) and attach multiple files using the same method.
4. Enjoy having total control over your emails!
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Module SendViaGMail
' Written by Topher Ritchie,
' Send emails via a GMail account
' Usage:
' SendSMTP(";, etc.","Subject string", _
' "Body string","C:\Path\To\Attachment1.file; C:\Path\To\Attachment2.file, etc.")
' Returns a Boolean value of True if no errors were noted.
' You are free to use, modify, or distribute this code, provided
' this header remains in place.
Public Function SendSMTP(ToString As String, Optional SubjectString As String, Optional BodyString As String, Optional AttachmentString As String) As Boolean
Dim iCfg As Object
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Handler:
Set iCfg = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With iCfg.Fields
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = 465
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = "your.password"
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = True
End With
With iMsg
.Subject = SubjectString
.To = ToString
.HTMLBody = BodyString
If Not (IsMissing(AttachmentString) Or Nz(AttachmentString) = "") Then
For i = 1 To CountInStr(AttachmentString, ";") + 1
.AddAttachment Left(AttachmentString, IIf(Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) = 0, Len(AttachmentString), Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) - 1))
AttachmentString = Right(AttachmentString, IIf(Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) = 0, Len(AttachmentString), Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) + 1))
Next i
End If
Set .Configuration = iCfg
End With
Set iMsg = Nothing
Set iCfg = Nothing
SendSMTP = True
Exit Function
SendSMTP = False
Resume Err_Exit
End Function
Public Function CountInStr(StringToCheck As String, StringToFind As String) As Long
CountInStr = (Len(StringToCheck) - Len(Replace(StringToCheck, StringToFind, ""))) / Len(StringToFind)
End Function
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