GMail? How could I automate a web-based email service through a desktop database, you might ask. In the past, Microsoft made this easy by packaging the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) dll that included the SMTP schema directly within Windows. That stopped with Windows Vista, and many developers gave up on sending via SMTP and reluctantly moved to Outlook integration. Even if you are able to download the CDO libraries, you are still stuck with the problem of packaging the dll with your application and risking broken reference issues. However, it is possible to access Microsoft's SMTP services schema directly, without dealing with dll's, to push your email out. Here's how:
1. Set up a GMail account for your application to send through (e.g.,
2. Place the following code module in your application (with appropriate changes for your app).
3. Call the function from your application's code using the "Usage" suggestion in the module header. Note that you can send to multiple recipients by separating them with a semicolon (;) and attach multiple files using the same method.
4. Enjoy having total control over your emails!
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Module SendViaGMail
' Written by Topher Ritchie,
' Send emails via a GMail account
' Usage:
' SendSMTP(";, etc.","Subject string", _
' "Body string","C:\Path\To\Attachment1.file; C:\Path\To\Attachment2.file, etc.")
' Returns a Boolean value of True if no errors were noted.
' You are free to use, modify, or distribute this code, provided
' this header remains in place.
Public Function SendSMTP(ToString As String, Optional SubjectString As String, Optional BodyString As String, Optional AttachmentString As String) As Boolean
Dim iCfg As Object
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Handler:
Set iCfg = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With iCfg.Fields
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = 465
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = "your.password"
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = True
End With
With iMsg
.Subject = SubjectString
.To = ToString
.HTMLBody = BodyString
If Not (IsMissing(AttachmentString) Or Nz(AttachmentString) = "") Then
For i = 1 To CountInStr(AttachmentString, ";") + 1
.AddAttachment Left(AttachmentString, IIf(Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) = 0, Len(AttachmentString), Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) - 1))
AttachmentString = Right(AttachmentString, IIf(Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) = 0, Len(AttachmentString), Nz(InStr(AttachmentString, ";")) + 1))
Next i
End If
Set .Configuration = iCfg
End With
Set iMsg = Nothing
Set iCfg = Nothing
SendSMTP = True
Exit Function
SendSMTP = False
Resume Err_Exit
End Function
Public Function CountInStr(StringToCheck As String, StringToFind As String) As Long
CountInStr = (Len(StringToCheck) - Len(Replace(StringToCheck, StringToFind, ""))) / Len(StringToFind)
End Function
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